Why Crowdsourcing and AI Better Predict Human Behavior
What do Coca-Cola, Google and 23andMe all have in common? These leading companies are all turning to crowdsourcing as a tool for marketing and product development. In this digital age, it’s easier than ever to connect with your prospective customers and tap into their collective knowledge. The savviest companies are using crowdsourcing to engage customers, […]
The Canary in the Goal Mine: Is Deteriorating Website Conversion a Sign of a Larger Problem?
Your website or landing page conversion rate starts to deteriorate, perhaps suddenly, perhaps gradually, and you’re not tracking to meet your conversion goals. Is this a canary or a canard? It’s hard to tell because conversion is just a surface measurement of so many underlying complicated processes. To determine why your conversion is declining, you […]
Here’s What You Can Do With Artisanal Data When Big Data Isn’t an Option
We are in the era of big data, where everywhere you turn, people are sharing strategies and tools to learn from it. It certainly can lead to amazing insights, however, what marketers often have is far from big data. The data might be small, but is high quality, well-understood, and extremely relevant to their business. […]
The Era of Artificial Common Sense Won’t Be Here Anytime Soon
Artificial Intelligence is sometimes better than humans. And sometimes worse. It’s usually faster and cheaper, and that alone ensures it a very important place in our world, but not to the exclusion of human intelligence. The fact remains that almost all machine learning requires a human for a sanity check, at the very least. In […]
Marketers, Here’s Why AI Is Not Going to Take Your Job
It has becoming increasingly popular to fret about AI “taking our jobs,” as marketers. Not replacing the routine, unpleasant tasks which are part of our jobs and freeing up time for creativity, which has been happening since animal power began to replace human power in the fields. Not changing what industries produce, which began happening […]
How Storytellers and Engineers Conspire for Efficient Brand Messaging
When Reed Hastings was incubating the idea for Netflix, he started by thinking very high-tech. That is, if your definition of “high-tech” includes a Ford Country Squire wagon stuffed with cassette tapes. “It turns out that’s a very high-speed network,” Hastings said at a conference earlier this year. Hastings’ computer science professor at Stanford in […]
A Marketer’s Guide to Machine Learning: How to Craft Your Dataset for Success
With machine learning tools becoming easier to use, more and more marketers are leveraging the technology. Now, it’s tempting to simply dump data into an algorithm in search of patterns (it’s so easy, after all). However, these algorithms, no matter how powerful, still obey the rules of “garbage in, garbage out.” Basically, no matter how […]
How Machine Learning is Shaping the Digital Marketer’s Toolkit
Digital marketers have been using basic versions of machine learning for several years, although they may not have realized it. Sentiment analysis is a common example of this, with marketers leveraging natural language processors to identify positive, negative or neutral feedback en mass, without having to read a word themselves. This efficiency in identification and […]