True Confessions of a Digital Marketer #4: “I’m Drowning in Data”

As a former CMO, I’ve seen and heard a lot of unique (and some downright crazy) marketing techniques along the way, and “True Confessions” is my way of sharing it with all of you. Like all good legends–marketing or otherwise– there’s always a mix of truth, exaggeration, outright fiction, and just plain wishful thinking. We’ll […]

True Confessions of a Digital Marketer #3: “Best Practices are My Only Practices”

As a former CMO, I’ve seen and heard a lot of unique (and some downright crazy) marketing techniques along the way, and “True Confessions” is my way of sharing it with all of you. Like all good legends–marketing or otherwise– there’s always a mix of truth, exaggeration, outright fiction, and just plain wishful thinking. We’ll […]

True Confessions of a Digital Marketer #2: “I Learn from the Competition”

As a former CMO, I’ve seen and heard a lot of unique (and some downright crazy) marketing techniques along the way, and “True Confessions” is my way of sharing it with all of you. Like all good legends–marketing or otherwise– there’s always a mix of truth, exaggeration, outright fiction, and just plain wishful thinking. We’ll […]

True Confessions of a Digital Marketer #1: “I Go With My Gut”

Contents1 It’s not about you. It’s about your customer.2 Obviously there’s an answer, or this column wouldn’t exist. Hands up, digital marketers: how many of us absolutely, truly do pre-live research into our target audience for our websites and landing pages before they launch? Be honest now. First, let me qualify—pre-launch research is NOT: Looking […]