How to Implement Personalized Marketing the Smart Way

It is no surprise that brands and consumers alike are embracing personalization in marketing more and more. After all, the more consumers are bombarded with mass marketing and irrelevant advertising, the more inclined they are to just tune it all out. Consumers are much more likely to respond positively to marketing tailored to their unique likes/dislikes, expectations, hopes, and concerns. Personalized marketing tends to lead to a better relationship with your company perceived by customers and prospects, which then leads to more conversion.

However, highly specific personas of your ideal customer will only be applicable to a small handful of people viewing your website or other marketing materials. After all, your web page viewers aren’t personas, they’re real human beings.

Roadblocks to Personalized Marketing

It is essential to do research and have information on your different audience segments before you can personalize your marketing effectively. Most marketers understand this, but are still left feeling unable to personalize their marketing effectively due to a lack of insights, or restraints on time and resources available to collect the necessary insights.

Unfortunately, very few companies have the advantages of Netflix and Amazon of having an unmatched collection of data on basically every consumer that has ever opened an internet browser. Without this amount of data or insights from actual human beings, any personalization you do will be solely based on assumptions.

Once someone is a customer, or has at least raised their hand, you can start collecting data and information on them to personalize their experience. You can keep track of their demographics, psychographics, what they clicked, what pages they viewed, etc. But what about consumers who are having their first interaction with your company-the consumers you don’t know? How can you ensure that your website and landing pages speak to them? You’ll want to know and track what messaging, segmenting, and advertising worked for them.

The Solution

With WEVO, you don’t need vast amounts of data or time at your disposal to gain insights prior to adding personalization to your marketing. We collect feedback on your web page from actual human beings based on your target demographics, and our AI technology brings you only the most valuable feedback, which you can then sift through by demographics such as age and gender. This helps you understand how different segments view your page, even those that are not already customers. Within our platform you can see page visitors’ likes, dislikes, expectations, hopes, and concerns, all within a number of days.

WEVO allows you to test multiple pages or multiple versions of pages. This way you can see what pages and/or elements work best with what segments of your audience. This can then be utilized to perfect your personalized marketing. Contact WEVO today to collect insights to inform your personalized marketing.

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