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Introducing Custom Questions for Boosting Insights in Key Hypotheses

WEVO is pleased to announce that we will be offering the ability to include custom questions in WEVO Journey tests. This will enable you to further specify the questions you need answered in your UX research, to support key hypotheses or questions that you want answered.

Custom Questions feature includes likert, multiple choice, and open-ended questions to extract deeper insights from your customer base. You can add questions to both the Journey and Page Insight Sections of the Journey test.

Question Types:

  • Likert (5 or 7 point scale)
  • Yes/No or True/False
  • Multiple Choice
  • Open Ended
  • For other question types- contact your customer success manager

Custom questions will be included in your test intake form.

See Results in Your WEVO Journeys Report

WEVO Journey Reports will now include a section for the results of your custom questions, allowing teams to filter and sort custom results both by the traditional demographic information that they are familiar with, and also by the query results (e.g. see only visitors who
answered with a specific (or set) of scores.  

Each Journey test will come with the option to include up to 5 custom questions, with one follow-up question each, for clarification. 
For details, see our Custom Questions FAQ.

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